The Floating Cinema: Navigating Tensions
The Floating Cinema was a London based, mobile cinema operating from a purpose-built barge. Created with support from Olympic Legacy funding, it was designed to engage with local communities through film programming, traveling to various destinations within and beyond London.
While other ‘immersive’ pop-up cinemas offer embodied experiences of fictional, cinematic worlds, The Floating Cinema takes on a different understanding of immersion, aiming to enable cinematic experiences of real, urban places. Here Anna, their Education and Participation Co-ordinator, discusses an event at Brentford Lock, which was run in partnership with the housing developers regenerating the site. She touches on the difficulties of navigating tensions between using The Floating Cinema to enhance places for communities and playing into the hands of developers by exacerbating gentrification. Do The Floating Cinema’s events increase connections to place for existing residents of places like Brentford, or do they make them appealing to those pushed out of more traditionally desirable areas of the capital?